2. UDOT News

Frequently Used Acronyms

At UDOT we use several acronyms and to help everyone know what we’re talking about we compiled the following list. If we missed one let us know at udotweb@utah.gov.


AADT = Annual Average Daily Traffic; this is a measure of the traffic on a particular road or section of road.

AASHTO = American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials

ASI = Administrative Salary Increase

ATIS = Advanced Traveler Information System

ATMS = Advanced Traffic Management System


B&C Funds = Gas tax generated funds that go to local municipalities for day-to-day operations and road maintenance.

BMP = Best Management Practice

BRT = Bus Rapid Transit

BUILD = Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development


CAT-EX = Categorical Exclusion

CAV = Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

CFI = Continuous Flow Interchange

CHF = Centennial Highway Fund

CHNF = Critical Highway Needs Fund

CMGC = Construction Management/General Contractor

CSS = Context Sensitive Solutions


DAQ = Department of Air Quality

DDI = Diverging Diamond Interchange

DEQ = Department of Environmental Quality


EA = Environmental Assessment

EIT = Engineer in Training

EIS = Environmental Impact Statement

EPA = Environmental Protection Agency

ePM = Electronic Program Management


FHWA = Federal Highway Administration

FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact

FTA = Federal Transit Administration


HAR = Highway Advisory Radio

HMA = Hot Mix Asphalt

HPMS = Highway Performance Monitoring System

HSIP = Highway Safety Improvement Program


IDDE = Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

IMT = Incident Management Team

ITS = Intelligent Transportation System


LFOT = Local Field Operations Test

LID = Low Impact Development

LOM = Level of Maintenance

LOS = Level of Service

LRP = Long Range Plan


MAG = Mountainland Association of Governments

MMQA+ = Maintenance Management Quality Assurance Plus

MOT = Management of Traffic

MPO = Metropolitan Planning Organization

MS4 = Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System

MUTCD = Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices


NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act

NHS = National Highway System

NHTSA = National Highway Transportation Safety Association

NOFO = Notice of Funding Opportunity


PDB = Progressive Design Build

PDBS = Project Development Business System

P.E. = Professional Engineer

PPP or P³= Public-Private Partnership

PPP = Paycheck Protection Program

PS&E = Plans, Specifications & Estimates

P+T = Price plus Time


QA/QC = Quality Assurance/Quality Control


RPO = Rural Planning Organization

RTIF = Rural Transportation Infrastructure Fund

RTP = Regional Transportation Plan

RUC = Road Usage Charge


SHPO = State Historic Preservation Office

SHRP = Strategic Highway Research Program

SIB = State Infrastructure Bank

SOP = Standard Operating Procedure

SPMT = Self Propelled Modular Transport

SR = State Road or Route

STIP = Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan

SWMP = Stormwater Management Program

SWPPP = Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan


TEA21 = Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century

TEO = Traffic Engineering Order

TCM = Traffic Control Manager

TIF = Transportation Investment Fund

TIP = Transportation Improvement Program

TMD = Traffic Management Division

TMS = Traffic Monitoring Station

TOC = Traffic Operations Center

TSMO = Transportation Systems Management and Operations

TTIF = Transit Transportation Investment Fund

TTQP = Transportation Technician Qualification Program


UTRAC = Utah Transportation Research Advisory Council

USDOT = United States Department of Transportation

UTA = Utah Transit Authority


VMS = Variable Message Sign

VMT = Vehicle Miles Traveled


WASHTO = Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

WFRC = Wasatch Front Regional Council

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