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Master PinPinProject DescriptionProject StatusRegionCountyProject ManagerContractorProject ValueExpenditures
875320424West Temple Walk Bike Transit ConnectionsUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEKevon Ogden-$2,210,000.00$1,158,639.35
875714165Hole in the Rock Road, Garfield Co., Phase 1Under ConstructionRegion 4-Devin Squire-$2,832,181.02$492,353.85
1691318980Grand County & Moab Shuttle / Transit PilotUnder ConstructionRegion 4GRANDDevin Squire-$1,765,000.00$985,000.00
558922291SR-210; Shoulder widening and paving MP 9.8 - 13.2Under ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEKevon Ogden-$40,000.00$38,871.17
1483317842Midvalley Connector BRT; Atherton DR to 2700 WUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEOanh Amber Le-Spradlin-$40,450,550.00$22,800,539.85
875720511Hurricane Shared Use Path 600 N / Three RiversUnder ConstructionRegion 4WASHINGTONDonna Beagley-$2,732,400.00$132,516.64
875319736U&SL Canal SUP; Midway Dr to 6200 SUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEDavid M Cox-$3,400,390.11$2,720,390.11
1778417915Region Four - Stormwater ManagementUnder ConstructionRegion 4VARIOUSDonna Beagley-$0.00$0.00
875719317Carbon County - Nine Mile Canyon GatewayUnder ConstructionRegion 4CARBONDonna Beagley-$1,823,447.39$1,700,000.00
1331121039Old Ranch Rd; 995 W to 4835 N - Trail sTAPUnder ConstructionRegion 2SUMMITKevon Ogden-$1,225,000.00$0.00
1661521378US-89; Overhead Runaway Truck Ramp SignUnder ConstructionRegion 1RICHCorey D. Nelson-$500,000.00$81,945.93
559122049SR-24; Sulphur Creek Drainage Projet MP 79.18Under ConstructionRegion 4WAYNEDonna Beagley-$40,000.00$0.00
1696219074Salem Canal Trail; Woodland Hills Dr to Elk RidgeUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHDarren Bunker-$10,581,600.00$3,873,670.07
595221443SR-129 (700 North) & Anderson Blvd, LindonUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHNicole D. Quilter-$390,000.00$94,087.91
1661621731SR-210; MP 8.2-8.4 Barrier ReplacementUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEDillon J Richens-$2,000,000.00$226,501.83
558922323I-80; Lambs Canyon Barrier ProjectUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEKevon Ogden-$125,000.00$84,034.00
1661621729US-40; Silver Summit Off Ramp WideningUnder ConstructionRegion 2SUMMITKevon Ogden-$1,000,000.00$0.00
559121129SR-9; VMS Board in La VerkinUnder ConstructionRegion 4WASHINGTONDonna Beagley-$105,697.56$31,273.80
595221792SR-68 (Redwood) & 1500 N, Lehi/SaratogaUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHBrent Schvaneveldt Udot-$450,000.00$51,893.73
2126122295US-191; North of Summit ITS ImprovementsUnder ConstructionRegion 3DUCHESNELarry Montoya-$900,000.00$3,838.65
595221028SR-8 (Sunset Blvd) & 1300 West, St. GeorgeUnder ConstructionRegion 4WASHINGTONDonna Beagley-$570,000.00$281,080.04
594719862SR-112: SR-36- 200W R2 FY22 SSWUnder ConstructionRegion 2TOOELEKevon Ogden-$208,720.00$0.00
595222171US-191 & Aggie Blvd (Mill Creek Dr), MoabUnder ConstructionRegion 4GRANDDonna Beagley-$500,000.00$30,991.75
1864518894Remote CCTV System Replacement - Region 4Under ConstructionRegion 4VARIOUSDonna Beagley-$2,317,705.00$1,793,624.39
558922322I-80 EB Ramp to I-215 NB Friction SurfaceUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEKevon Ogden-$15,000.00$13,042.37
594719863SR-248 @ MP .75-.81, Cooke Dr.Under ConstructionRegion 2SUMMITKevon Ogden-$27,000.00$11,796.75
559722137SR-73 and Canyon Wash Dr. Intersection, Eagle Mtn.Under ConstructionRegion 3UTAHEric R. Rasband-$500,000.00$37,428.43
595221133 US-89 (Washington Blvd) & 17th St., OgdenUnder ConstructionRegion 1WEBERCorey D. Nelson-$455,000.00$12,580.77
559121374US-6; Woodside Salt Shed Powerline EasementUnder ConstructionRegion 4EMERYDonna Beagley-$21,000.00$19,980.47
595221821SR-52 (800 N) & 600 W, OremUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHDiego Carroll Udot-$390,000.00$371,273.87
875519890Vineyard Connector OverpassUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHAndrew J SpencerWADSWORTH BROS CONST. CO. INC.$11,028,000.00$850,230.65
595221794SR-73 & Mt Saratoga Blvd, Saratoga SpringsUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHDiego Carroll Udot-$400,000.00$253,683.17
875320397Parleys Trail Gap In Sugar House (Salt Lake City)Under ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEEduardo P Miranda-$1,583,333.00$950,000.00
55892105110600 S & I-15 Signal CablesUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEJessica A Rice-$100,000.00$58,024.15
1483317836Bacchus Hwy (SR-111): 10200 South to 10700 SouthUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEDavid M Cox-$1,641,309.00$971,880.44
595221875US-40 (Main St) & 200 South, RooseveltUnder ConstructionRegion 3DUCHESNEDiego Carroll Udot-$390,000.00$72,851.12
1483619627Gentile Street SRTS; 3475 W - 3200 WUnder ConstructionRegion 1DAVISDavid AdamsonR CHERRINGTON ENTERPRISES LLC$450,800.00$98,412.44
1661521669Right of Way fence repair and new installUnder ConstructionRegion 1VARIOUSRobert Astle UdotVINYL INDUSTRIES$750,000.00$40,128.49
559122050I-70; Slab Replacement MP 34.35 to 34.5Under ConstructionRegion 4SEVIERDonna Beagley-$33,200.00$0.00
559120722SR-143; 200 South & 300 East Drainage StudyUnder ConstructionRegion 4IRONDonna Beagley-$11,000.00$0.00
1983421075I-70; I-15 to Clear Creek SummitUnder ConstructionRegion 4VARIOUSJason RobinsonGENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS, INC.$1,940,000.00$60,308.56
595221055SR-109 (Gentile) & Fairfield Rd (MP 1.125), LaytonUnder ConstructionRegion 1DAVISCorey D. Nelson-$480,000.00$120,981.44
1983419224US-491: US-191 After Concrete to MP 2.3Under ConstructionRegion 4SAN JUANBrent HadfieldKILGORE COMPANIES, A DELAWARE LLC DBA KI$2,700,000.00$108,468.32
1903121963I-80 over Echo Dam Road Bridge Repair, 4F 792Under ConstructionRegion 2SUMMITDillon J Richens-$230,000.00$202,152.27
875115682I-15; 1800 North Interchange & Corridor WideningUnder ConstructionRegion 1VARIOUSPaul EgbertRLW/WHITAKER JV$385,304,975.36$52,996,691.57
1983419916I-70; MP 141.24 Joint to MP 147Under ConstructionRegion 4EMERYBrent HadfieldKILGORE COMPANIES, A DELAWARE LLC DBA KI$1,915,000.00$84,490.87
601921518US-89/900 South (Provo); Install New SignalUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHBrent Schvaneveldt Udot-$480,000.00$223,780.88
1778419062MS4 Improvements - Loa Maintenance StationUnder ConstructionRegion 4WAYNEDonna Beagley-$25,544.40$25,544.40
723122185I-15; Browse Interchange, Bridge Hit Repair, D 629Under ConstructionRegion 4WASHINGTONTyson JewkesGERBER CONSTRUCTION, INC.$300,000.00$60,789.65
8751205531200 W. Trail from 2250 S. to 3600 S. PerryUnder ConstructionRegion 1BOX ELDERCorey D. Nelson-$3,900,000.00$213,075.33
595221294SR-36; Erda Way and 2400 N (AWS)Under ConstructionRegion 2TOOELERebecka Stromness-$312,000.00$177,207.95
1483518837 Kensington East-West Neighborhood BywayUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEDavid M CoxSTAPP CONSTRUCTION. INC.$2,345,974.00$215,135.08
595221442SR-209 (New Bingham Hwy) & 6400 West, West JordanUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEDiego Carroll Udot-$515,000.00$278,161.54
1983519953SR-150; Trial Lake Rd to SulphurUnder ConstructionRegion 2VARIOUSKevon OgdenSTAKER & PARSON COS DBA HALES SAND & G$3,500,000.00$179,474.26
1983419256SR-193; SR-126 to SR-232Under ConstructionRegion 1DAVISJeffrey ErdmanGENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS, INC.$2,701,000.00$118,873.44
2112021956Mt. Superior Avalanche MitigationUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKERebecka Stromness-$5,640,000.00$5,417,752.10
1483715917PARRISH LN (SR105) 400 WEST INTERSEC CENTERVILLEUnder ConstructionRegion 1DAVISDavid AdamsonPRONGHORN CONSTRUCTION INC$4,667,102.10$1,625,117.65
1914620888SR-16; Randolph to SR-30Under ConstructionRegion 1RICHLincoln R PortSTAKER & PARSON COS DBA JACK B. PARSON C$5,000,000.00$187,688.22
606419521RR Xing Program Management FY24Under ConstructionT&SSALT LAKEBradley G. Palmer-$150,000.00$60,075.00
1983519926SR-257; Cattle Guard to MP 61Under ConstructionRegion 4MILLARDJeffrey W BunkerGENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS, INC.$7,535,617.84$43,990.03
606418006Active Warnings on Stansbury Island RoadUnder ConstructionT&STOOELEBradley G. Palmer-$825,000.00$14,296.33
593020677Region Two Cattle Guard ReplacementsUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEJessica A Rice-$600,000.00$0.00
2008720471BFP: Wayne County Bridge Replacement 055007CUnder ConstructionRegion 4WAYNELarry JohnsonWADSWORTH BROS CONST. CO. INC.$4,000,000.00$893,162.85
1696119088Goshen Center St TrailUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHDiego Carroll UdotSTAKER & PARSON COS DBA STAKER PAVING &$2,702,780.00$468,398.95
1983420880SR-103; SR-126 to HAFBUnder ConstructionRegion 1DAVISJeffrey ErdmanGENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS, INC.$820,000.00$80,140.65
14835149477800 So Jordan River Pedestrian Bridge at 1100 WUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEGary Horton UdotDRY CREEK STRUCTURES LLC$1,197,700.00$235,884.38
875920509MAG TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO GOVERNMENTS PROGRAMUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHEric A Mason-$360,000.00$240,000.00
594719298SR-134; MP 6.51 to 7.43, Plain City, R1 FY21 SSWUnder ConstructionRegion 1WEBERJanice Tremaine-$70,000.00$0.00
1983418388I-15; North Beaver to ManderfieldUnder ConstructionRegion 4BEAVERTyson JewkesGENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS, INC.$2,600,000.00$55,193.30
875521519MVC; SR-68 and Hudson Way SignalUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHAndrew P. Jordan-$270,000.00$129,451.83
1983419959US-40; Antelope Creek to to Pole Line RdUnder ConstructionRegion 3DUCHESNERux R. RowlandSTAKER & PARSON COS DBA BURDICK MATERIA$12,600,000.00$370,944.29
558921179Capitol Hill RoundaboutUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEJessica A RiceSTAPP CONSTRUCTION. INC.$2,510,000.00$130,223.53
2008717440BFP: Holladay City Bridge Replacement 035131DUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEJessica A RiceACME CONSTRUCTION INC$1,800,000.00$418,976.06
875520960Tabiona Sidewalk Improvements Phase IUnder ConstructionRegion 3DUCHESNELarry MontoyaCKC OPERATIONS$633,000.00$79,956.33
2008720470BFP: Rich County Local Bridge ReplacementsUnder ConstructionRegion 1RICHDavid AdamsonCOLDWATER GROUP, INC.$8,398,437.00$2,765,219.45
1661721245US-89; Drainage Repairs at Thistle Flood AreaUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHRux R. Rowland-$1,400,000.00$832,356.20
559721997Stop Bar Adjustments in Uinta BasinUnder ConstructionRegion 3VARIOUSLarry Montoya-$22,000.00$1,010.30
1331120745Construct New Sidewalk along SR-110Under ConstructionRegion 1DAVISJanice Tremaine-$320,000.00$227,594.00
601919995Various Locations; Lighting ImprovementsUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKERobert Astle UdotOAK HOLLOW ELECTRIC COMPANY$3,349,232.10$1,707,970.44
1661720535SR-68; Redwood Rd/Talon Cove DrainageUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHTyler J Faddis-$95,505.99$90,904.16
1914619237SR-171; Highland Dr to 2700 EastUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEJessica A RiceKILGORE COMPANIES, A DELAWARE LLC DBA KI$3,220,000.00$2,285,676.09
1661520793SR-102; Install Signal and Turn Lanes at SR-13Under ConstructionRegion 1BOX ELDERLincoln R PortKILGORE COMPANIES, A DELAWARE LLC DBA KI$2,500,000.00$1,616,540.01
1661720413SR-156; Spanish Fork 300 N SW Corner Drainage FixUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHDarren Bunker-$50,000.00$48,342.88
1661821384Region 4 Sign Improvements Phase 1Under ConstructionRegion 4VARIOUSSam Grimshaw-$200,000.00$29,288.88
1661520800Large Sign Panel Overlays on I-15 & SR-67Under ConstructionRegion 1VARIOUSLincoln R PortCACHE VALLEY ELECTRIC COMPANY$1,000,000.00$81,140.56
1661620028I-80; Culvert Rehabilitation Phase IIUnder ConstructionRegion 2VARIOUSRobert Astle UdotWHITAKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC.$3,880,000.00$2,867,019.08
559920756Sidewalk leading to Golden Spike ElementaryUnder ConstructionRegion 1BOX ELDERJanice Tremaine-$360,000.00$0.00
594720759Midblock Crossing on 2200 W in LaytonUnder ConstructionRegion 1DAVISJanice Tremaine-$60,000.00$48,000.00
559721847Wasatch RPO 2024Under ConstructionRegion 3WASATCHMatthew Parker-$10,000.00$10,000.00
14833148307800 S. WideningUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEJessica A RiceDRY CREEK STRUCTURES LLC$10,219,900.01$5,051,425.08
875720484Industrial Road Improvement ProjectUnder ConstructionRegion 4IRONDevin SquireSUNROC CORPORATION$5,183,000.33$1,171,746.60
875118257Bridge Replacement & Rehabilitation near TremontonUnder ConstructionRegion 1BOX ELDERDavid AdamsonGRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY$15,555,206.00$3,799,226.38
875317628SR-36 SB; Sunset Ln to Stansbury PkwyUnder ConstructionRegion 2TOOELERebecka StromnessGENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS, INC.$14,000,000.00$5,754,304.86
1331121042White City Canal Trail Lighting - sTAPUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEKevon Ogden-$127,500.00$19,082.83
1331121040Summit Haven Dr; 867 W to Oak Dr - Trail sTAPUnder ConstructionRegion 2SUMMITKevon Ogden-$168,000.00$0.00
1331121041Columbia Ave; 40 E to State St - Sidewalk sTAPUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEKevon Ogden-$205,000.00$0.00
13311210361700 E; Fort Union Blvd to 7200 S - Sidewalk sTAPUnder ConstructionRegion 2SALT LAKEKevon Ogden-$763,000.00$300,000.00
875519764Undercrossing in Saratoga at Redwood Rd & MP 25.1Under ConstructionRegion 3UTAHTyler J FaddisACME CONSTRUCTION INC$4,100,000.00$846,874.10
875514087*Elk Ridge DR; SR 198 to 8000 S, SalemUnder ConstructionRegion 3UTAHDarren Bunker-$36,609,103.73$2,613,834.31
601919295I-15; MP 18-22 Wildlife FencingUnder ConstructionRegion 4WASHINGTONSam GrimshawSUNROC CORPORATION$1,770,000.00$808,298.44
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