Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Continuing Safety Areas
Each year, an average of 29 people die on Utah's roads in commercial motor vehicle-related crashes. These collisions involving CMVs and passenger vehicles are more likely to be severe due to the size differences between the two vehicles. While the perception is that the truckers are causing these crashes, in actuality, 3 out of 4 times, the crashes are the result of the passenger vehicle drivers.
Sustain efforts to reduce commercial vehicle serious injuries and fatal crashes. The Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration, UDOT's Motor Carrier Division and the Utah Highway Patrol oversee all safety issues in Utah.
- Continue efforts to mitigate high crash corridors for commercial vehicles.
- Continue efforts to utilize Weigh-in-Motion and Mainline Bypass Technologies to effectively facilitate commerce and minimize CMV back up on Utah's main interstates.
- Promote Truck Smart Campaign activities, which teach drivers of passenger vehicles to drive safely around commercial motor vehicles and commercial drivers to slow down, buckle up, and stay alert.
- Encourage commercial vehicle drivers to slow down, buckle up and stay alert.
- Partner with the Board of Education and private driving schools to educate young drivers about the nuances of driving safely around commercial motor vehicles.
- Continue the safety compliance reviews of high-risk carriers and educate new entrants into the commercial motor vehicle businesses.
- Continue to partner with law enforcement agencies to identify and cite safety violators.
- Utah Department of Transportation Motor Carrier Division
- Utah Department of Public Safety: Utah Highway Patrol
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
- Utah Trucking Association
- Zero Fatalities
- Utah Transit Authority