Judicial System Continuing Safety Areas
Justice and District Courts do not place a high priority on nonmoving traffic violations, such as occupant restraint and safety equipment, because of the focus on more grievous violations. Other challenges include assuring accurate adjudication history to facilitate charging second and subsequent offenders appropriately, and the lack of real-time access to traffic violation history.
Promote a more active role from judicial partners. Increase the awareness of traffic safety issues, making stronger efforts to ensure a violator is correctly charged in cases of second or subsequent offenses. Investigate real-time access to traffic violation history for court purposes. Furthermore, continue enforcement of approved programs to educate traffic violators on the dangers of aggressive, impaired and distracted driving while discontinuing the practice of dismissing lesser traffic charges. Also continue to pursue mechanisms to reduce recidivism in traffic offenses.
- Execute laws through the court system.
- Continue with the 24/7 Pilot Project in Weber County, hoping to move this project statewide.
- Streamline DUI-related driver license suspension/revocation hearings.
- Promote DUI-related procedural rule changes that increase effectiveness and avoid redundancies.
- Enhance efficiency of reporting DUI convictions.
- Utilize traffic safety programs to educate traffic violators on safe behavior.
- Utilize judicial programs, such as 24/7 in Weber County, to educate DUI offenders on the importance of safe behaviors in order to reduce recidivism in impaired driving.
- Promote a standard curriculum for plea-and-abeyance defensive driving courses.
- Encourage drivers aged 18-25 attend the 'Alive at 25' safe driving course.
- Coordinate with Utah's Driver License Division to assess traffic violation history and apply appropriate penalties.
- Utah Department of Public Safety:
- Driver License Division
- Utah Highway Patrol,
- Highway Safety Office,
- Utah Safety Council
- Utah Chiefs of Police Association
- Administrative Office of the Courts,
- Utah Prosecution Council