Rural Road Safety Continuing Safety Areas
Many roadway departure fatalities occur on rural roads. Special attention must be given to the safety of rural roadways on and off the State system. To effectively reduce statewide fatalities, specific safety projects focused on rural roads must be completed. In addition, the availability of well trained and equipped emergency medical service providers is limited in rural areas.
Special consideration must be given to improving the rural roadway system. Special consideration should also be given to improving the emergency service provider resources and capabilities to provide appropriate patient care. The federal High Risk Rural Roads special rule places additional emphasis on rural road safety. In Utah, a High Risk Rural Road is identified as a rural major or minor collector or a rural local road that exhibits significant safety risk based on: (1) A concentration of crashes at a spot location or on a corridor that can be mitigated by proven safety countermeasures; (2) Roadway attributes (as identified in a road safety audit, engineering study, field review, or similar) that present a risk to drivers, pedestrians, or bicyclists that can be mitigated by proven safety countermeasures; and/or (3) A quantitative safety model, such as usRAP/ViDA.
Continue Road Safety Audits. Continue installing systemic safety measures to reduce single vehicle roadway departure crashes.
Emergency Services
- Train emergency medical service providers to appropriately triage, treat, transport and transfer injured patients.
- Implement a statewide trauma system.
- Provide pediatric trauma treatment education to rural pre-hospital care providers.
Educate rural communities on the importance of seat belt use and other safe driving behaviors.
Increase enforcement of The Primary Seat Belt Law and other traffic laws in rural areas.
- Utah Department of Transportation
- Federal Highway Administration
- Utah Rural County Governments
- Rural Planning Organizations
- Utah Department of HealthBureau of EMS and Preparedness
- Utah Department of Public Safety:
- Utah Highway Patrol,
- Highway Safety Office,
- Statewide Local Law Enforcement Agencies,