Optimize Mobility

Mobility Performance Measures
Historical Mobility Index
Mobility Index

Mobility Performance Measures

Key Points
Delay is increasing beyond the delay experienced in the first quarter of 2020 and 2019. This is due to returned traffic demand that was lost during most of 2020 and continued population growth within the state. But we are still not exceeding the 4% annual growth target delay.
  1. Increase Highway Capacity
  2. Optimize Intelligent Transportation Systems
  3. Provide alternate mobility opportunities by investing in transit and active transportation


Delay is the sum of additional travel time on major routes(Interstates, highways and arterials) in the state each month. Delay is measured as the difference between the actual travel time and free-flow travel time.

*Data source changed in July 2022.

Target: Delay should not grow by more than 4% annually

Key Points
Our roads are still seeing very high speeds which are different from the first quarter of 2020 and 2019 conditions. A route can be considered reliable even if the speeds are low (reliably slow). Because speeds generally remain high, any reduced speeds negatively impact the reliability. This is likely why we are starting to see reliability trend downward in recent months.
  1. Advance the identification and implementation of coordinated ramp metering projects.
  2. Maintain roadways free of snow, ice, debris, and other traffic hazards.
  3. Invest in fixed guideway transit projects.


Reliability is the percent of miles on major routes that were uncongested and performed consistently with historical speeds during the peak hour.

*Data source changed in October 2022.

Target: 90% of the system will be reliable.

Key Points
UTA currently serves five counties.
Invest in transit capacity projects so that transit is more available and or frequent to attract additional ridership.

Transit Ridership

UTA data showing monthly weekday boardings.

Target: 1% increase of the month average value of the previous 5 years.