Total number of motor vehicle involved fatalities in the state of Utah. This data is for all publicly accessible routes.
Target: Reduce fatality number by 2.5 percent below the three year average.
Total number of motor vehicle involved suspected serious injuries occurring in the state of Utah. Suspected serious injuries for current year are shown with a one month lag. This data is for all publicly accessible routes.
Target: Reduce by 2.5 percent below the three year average.
Total number of reported motor vehicle involved crashes in the state of Utah. Crashes for current year are shown with a one month lag. This data is for all publicly accessible routes.
Target: Reduce by 2.5 percent below the three year average.
The number of UDOT employee deaths.
Target: Achieve zero employee fatalities.
The number of injuries per 200,000 working hours.
Target is set 10% below prior year injury rate.
The number of incidents of equipment damage per 200,000 working hours.
Target: Achieve a rate of 6.85 incidents per 200,000 working hours.